How Much Money and Energy Can You Save with Attic Insulation?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that homeowners can save an average of 15% on heating and cooling costs (or an average of 11% on total energy costs) by sealing their homes with air and adding insulation in attics, floors, tight spaces, and basements. Proper insulation can help reduce energy bills and add market value to your home. Structural insulation panels are often the most expensive to install, but they provide the most energy efficient insulation that will save you more money in the long run. The colder the climate, the higher the R value you want, since too little insulation won't insulate your home efficiently.

Spray foam insulation can reach the nooks and crannies of the attic, while other types of insulation can be difficult to apply. Are you wondering how much money and energy you can save by insulating your house? According to the EPA, adding insulation to the attic and other spaces known to let in heat and air (for example, mezzanines and basements) can save you about 15% on your cooling and heating costs, which represents 11% of your total energy costs on average. Some homeowners in warmer climates also have radiant barriers, which add an additional reflective layer to prevent heat from infiltrating the insulation and heating the attic and house on a hot day. If you're over 15 years old, if there's ever been a roof leak, or if rats and other pests have infested your attic, it may be time to improve your insulation. Insulating the attic may not be the most attractive renovation project out there, but it's probably one of the most practical home improvements you can make. At All Attic Insulation, we'll help you determine the best ways to save money now and for years to come. The pros and cons of cellulose insulation are closely related to the material itself and to the way it is manufactured and installed.

Mark Tyrol, engineer and president of Battic Door Energy Conservation Products, reminds us that “the savings involved in adding insulation to the attic will vary greatly depending on how well sealed the house is, the size of the house, the initial level of insulation and the difference in temperature between the outside and the inside”.

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